
The Clinical Education Network

Health, Fitness & Lifestyle
Sexual Harassment

Dealing With the Mental Health Effects of Sexual Harassment

Among the numerous workplace challenges impacting men and women across the world is sexual harassment. When not dealt with correctly, harassment can significantly impact the victims’ mental health and well-being. On top of this, it can lead to long-term self-confidence and other problems, stunting your career.

Because of this, it’s essential to understand how to deal with the mental health effects of sexual harassment in the workplace. In the rest of this article, we’ve looked at the exact things you need to do if you’ve been a victim of harassment.

  1. Tell People

Despite what you think or what others tell you, sexual harassment in the workplace (or anywhere else) is not okay. If you’ve been a victim, letting people know is essential. Where possible, speak with your manager or an HR officer, especially if the perpetrator is one of your workmates.

In some cases, you may also wish to pursue criminal action. There’s nothing wrong with this, and we’d only recommend employing a good lawyer to ensure your case is a success.

Telling people you’ve been a victim and accepting it yourself is one of the best ways to deal with mental health issues stemming from sexual harassment. After all, everything is more accessible when you have support around you.

  1. See a Psychologist

There’s nothing weak or lesser about seeing a psychologist. Many people would argue that it takes a lot of courage to admit you have a problem and ask for help.

If you’re suffering from mental health challenges due to past or ongoing sexual harassment in the workplace, you should speak with a psychologist. Just the simple act of sharing your problems with someone is a perfect way to start overcoming them.

  1. Understand the Effects

It’s incredible how many people suffer following sexual harassment without even realizing that anything’s wrong. Mental health problems can be subtle but can also impact your daily life.

With this in mind, speak with your psychologist or another medical professional about the potential effects of sexual harassment to ensure you’re equipped to deal with them.

  1. Don’t Give Up

Even when it seems like everything’s against you, it’s important not to give up when faced with regular sexual harassment and other workplace problems. Seek support from those around you, let your boss or manager know that there’s a problem, and make sure that the perpetrator of the harassment knows that their attention is unwanted.

Final Word

Unfortunately, sexual harassment is becoming all too common in the modern workplace. Despite this, many people don’t understand the negative mental health impacts that harassment and other discrimination can cause, and they suffer as a result.

If you are or have been a victim of harassment or any other form of workplace bullying, ensure you’re aware of your mental health. Don’t hesitate to speak with a medical professional if necessary, and never let it get you down.