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What You Can And Cannot Control If You Suffer From Tooth Discolouration

What You Can And Cannot Control If You Suffer From Tooth Discolouration

Whilst we regard a beautiful smile as two rows of pearly whites beaming cheerfully from someone who is happy, unfortunately not all smiles are as appealing. One of the main reasons why someone’s smile might not be all that pleasant to look at is tooth discoloration, which is one of the most common dental issues that any Perth dentist has to treat.

Whenever we see someone with discoloured teeth, the assumption is often made that they are simply not caring for their teeth, and we assume that they are not brushing or flossing. Whilst that is a common cause, you should be aware that not all tooth discolouration is the fault of the person who suffers from it.

This leads us to the fact that there are several causes of tooth discolouration, and they can be split into two distinct categories. There are those causes that individuals can control and thus the discolouration could be said to be their own fault. The other set of causes are those which the person has no real control over, and instead of them being at fault for tooth discolouration, they are instead a victim of it.

To help you understand this more fully, here are the causes of tooth discolouration split into their respective categories of ‘Can Control’ and ‘Cannot Control.


4 Simple Steps to Maximum Dental Health

4 Simple Steps to Maximum Dental Health

What you are about to read is around 600 words which outline 4 ways in which your dentist would advise you to help care for your teeth. Now, we freely admit, compared to the volumes that have been written about dental care, and the many books that have been published, this is not going to be the most comprehensive dental care text you will ever read.

However, we have actually touched on the point that caring for your teeth and gums need not be the most complicated activity you ever undertake with respect to your dental well-being, and as such you do not need to read the equivalent of an encyclopedia on the matter. In fact, maybe the simpler a healthcare regime is to understand and implement, the more chance there is of people following it. With that thought, here are 4 simple steps to care for your teeth and gums.

Visit Your Dentist For Regular Check-Ups

Nothing can help you ensure your teeth are maintained more than having regular check-ups with your dentist. A check-up can allow your dentist to spot potential issues before they become more serious with the proof being that more tooth loss has been prevented by a dentist identifying a problem during a routine check-up, than anything else.

At your check-ups, your dentist will also be able to advise you on dental issues which might not be visible, but which are causing you concern, such as toothaches or occasional pain within your jawbone. This is also a chance to get teeth whitening, for a visibly healthier looking mouth.  Finally, you should know that dental check-ups can also show indications of other illnesses which may exist, allowing you to seek the advice of your doctor more quickly.


Dental Implant Technology

Major Advancements in Dental Implant Technology

Every year, around eight million people across the globe receive a dental implant. A dental implant is a metal post or pole that a dentist installs into the jawbone below the gum line to support a false tooth. Once the root is in place and the tooth secure, it takes on the form of a natural tooth with full function. You can brush, eat, and chew with it as if it were your own.

Dental implants are growing in popularity today, with more people opting for a tooth replacement rather than leaving a gap where a tooth once sat. Not taking care of tooth loss can result in speech changes, jaw changes, and even a loss of self-esteem.

In the United Kingdom in 2018, dentists performed more than 260,000 dental implant procedures – double the figure from 2013. If that’s anything to go by, it’s a procedure that will get more popular as the years go by.

With that in mind, there’s always room for improvement and advancement in the dental world – especially with procedures such as dental implants. That’s why Image Navigation announced the world’s first advanced image-guided implant system at the 2019 International Dentist Show in Messe Cologne, Germany.


Dentistry for Good

How 3D Planning Could Change the World of Dentistry for Good

There’s no denying that dental care has come a long way in recent years. After all, it wasn’t all that long ago that a blacksmith would perform dental procedures in any old darkened alley. However, it has come further than you may think, especially when regarding dental implants.

Dental implants have long been a preferred way in which to replace a missing tooth without resorting to dentures. Any accident, injury, or illness can require tooth removal, but it’s always helpful to know that dental implants are a way to solve the problem.

Dental implants are frames or posts constructed of metal that a dentist positions in your jawbone underneath your gum. Once in place, your dentist can then fit replacement teeth onto those posts. Unlike dentures, dental implants are firmly in place and take on the role of a natural tooth with full function.

However, dental implants require enough bone for a solid tooth foundation, and those who have suffered from an accident or injury resulting in tooth loss may not have enough.

Dentists solve that problem with a surgical procedure known as bone grafting. Titanium mesh supports the shape of the graft as new bone grows. However, that material can irritate soft tissue and can be particularly tricky to mold in place and get right.



Everything You Need to Know About Invisalign

On your hunt for cosmetic dental procedures to make you feel better about your teeth, you are likely to come across Invisalign. While, at first glance, Invisalign might seem like yet another brand name in the dental product world, it’s far from it.

Instead, it’s a revolutionary form of technology that has made many people smile with more confidence around the world — intrigued yet? Read on to learn everything you need to know about Invisalign.

What is Invisalign?

Invisalign is an orthodontic treatment that uses SmartForce Technology for nearly invisible teeth straightening. Instead of metal braces which stand out and come with a range of inconveniences, Invisalign are custom-made aligners that move your teeth to their best position and are entirely removable.

While they are not suitable for everyone in need of cosmetic dental treatment, they suit a significant number of people who would prefer not to wear braces. Ask your Invisalign-trained dentist if they are right for you.

What is the Process for Invisalign?

If you believe that Invisalign may be an excellent cosmetic dental procedure to help straighten your teeth, then it’s a good idea to visit your dentist. They can confirm that it’s right for you or suggest alternative options, such as braces, instead.

If Invisalign is a suitable method, your dentist will take photos, scans, or x-rays of your teeth so that they can create a three-dimensional treatment plan. This plan will also come in handy for the creation of your custom aligners.
